Date: Wed, 6 Jun
Subject: LANGUAGE PROSODY (ex. 3: hypodochmiacs
in Susan Howe's Pierce Arrow)
[Slight error in the
previous "lesson": Dale found "vers libre"
not in
Prometheus Bound as misstated, but in Euripides' Hercules
(sometimes titled The Madness of Hercules {Hercules Furens,
not to be confused with The Children of Hercules or Heracleidae}).]
Graeco-Roman neo-classicism
may have characterized ethnically monolithic European cultures, such
as Racine's France, Holderlin's Germany, turn-of-the-20th-cent.
Unsubstantiated generalization:
Most first generation Language Poets appear to have come from single-language
(Eng.) "American stock" ethnicities, without the sort of
dual language developmental home environment of 2nd/3rd generation
American families of the Eastern-European or Italian immigration waves
(where a "grandparents'" language was spoken in the home.
(With exceptions: Jewishness may have retained a trace Yiddischkeit.)
--- Hence, perhaps, a
certain monolingualism in '80s/'90s Language Poetry, and the
over-all English only focus of its Language critique,--- versus,
at least by comparison, the sort of Joyce-Pound polyglot
poetry of Modernism.
Now, on to the topic:
classical meter and Language/"post-Language" poetry.
Susan Howe's '99
book Pierce Arrow strikes me as her perhaps most audibly metrical
book. This may be due to a gradual rhythmic shift in her practice,
over a long career (away from an earlier, more strongly spondee-molossus
meter [ _ _ and _ _ _ ], or the heavy use of quoted
material in Pierce Arrow that imbues the surrounding poetry
of her own invention with "infectious," un-Howe cadences).
By ignoring her line-breaks, the rhythms can be read as often breaking
open in long stretches of quite standard iambic/dactylic/trochaic
There are ample internal
references in the book to nominate it as a proof text for an exploration
into contemporary class metrics: the book's strong Hellenism (from
the opening "Phenomenology of war in the Iliad," through
Hecuba, Hector, "fate metes out this and this dactyl",
Achilles, Chorus of Thessalonian women, Thetis, Apollo,
Patroclus, etc., etc., etc.).
One of the first, easiest
observations is whether a line starts with a
"rising" or "falling" rhythm, based mainly on
whether the first syllable is stressed or unstressed.
As a starting point:
One of the first verse-length
metrical units that "jumped out at me" on reading is a particular,
irregular 5-syllable line: / _ / _ /. By potentially being alternately
catalectic (no tail, missing a final short) or acephalous ("headless,"
missing an initial short), it is ambiguated and cannot in and of itself
be read as either iambic or trochaic. (See below for further
definitions of / _ / _ / as hypodochmiac.)
An inventory of such
"hypodochmiacs" in Pierce Arrow:
thousandth silhouette
(p. 59)*
Something being true
as in thought extreme
where we want him flip
After all we want
I will write to you
Certain things are mine
paragraphs the Sixth
breathed and moved again
reading what will what
scattered writing Gosse
Where "entagled" sic
record windworn sail
fable now you are
knowledge venom soft
strife in blindness not
what is due from guest
Tristrem Tristanz Drust
Tristram must be caught
Minds trajected light
* begins/ ends stanza.
...Whoops! Gotta go.
To be continued.