Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001
Subject: Re: Hannah's
Camille Martin wrote:
> I read that she was
diagnosed with schizophrenia ... I'm less interested in
> the label of an illness than I am with what was happening in her
> during her visions. . . . I'd appreciate any comments
> on this or sources to read.
Interest will go where'er
it wilt, but---
You might find greater
amplitude by not taking that label to be a "label of an illness"
per se but a label of a condition, to start with,---
along the lines of (predictably)
Deleuze-Guattari Capitalism and
Schizophrenia, etc., or the similarly neutral use of the term Fredric
made in applying it to Language Poetry.
First off, to de-pejoratize
your own notion of schizophrenia, which can be a
useful descriptive signifier, and treat it with greater equanimity.
widen your critical applicability.
Or even Szasz, The
Myth of Mental Illness, and the whole R.D. Laing British
anti-psychiatry approach.
Or the Semiotexte
back issue on "Schizoculture": a broader approach that sees
schizophrenia as endemic to America that's only emblematized in its
recognizable cases.
Her Language friends whose
Weiner eulogies I read seemed to treat the matter
(evidently "discovered" late) with unbiassed candor.
Her ongoing political relevance
may lie partially in exactly the fact of that
label,--- much like the pellucid clarity after James Schuyler's
episodes of psychosis: high-functioning, basically adaptive individuals
found a position in embracing communities, who lived pretty much happy
given baseline existential angst --- as opposed to the more malevolent
models" Sylvia Plath or Anne Sexton became by yielding
to self-murder in the
In light of Plath/Sexton's
relation to Confessionalism versus Weiner's to
Language Poetry (and with the unfortunate, after-the-fact revelation
of Ramez
Qureshi's similar condition viz-a-viz "post"-Language),
I have, rather than
waning interest, in fact wondered whether there isn't some way that
Confessionalism's aesthetics of a concretized, reified self and ego-exposure
weren't intrinsically contributory to the high rate of suicides in that
Roethke, Berryman . . .
Poetry's literary high tolerance for deviation, its
virtual enthusiasm at aberration, apparently coincides with a
much lower
degree of pathologization of its poets, generally speaking. Rather the
mystique of the "professionalized" poet generation: careerist,
Know what I mean?
Illnesses can be fatal,
but they must be potentially curable, even where a cure
has not been found. Schizophrenia, like narcissism, by being "incurable"
onto a different diagnostic axis than, say, garden variety neurosis.
AIDS, which is not an illness, but a "Syndrome."
Weiner's success could
be very valuable in the empowerment or treatment of the
similarly diagnosed, and the consciousness raising of the self-styled
"normal." (There is no such DSM-IV category as "normal,"
Everybody's something.)
Despite the unique prominence and notoriety of (violent) schizophrenics
in the
press, in a sense you cannot be schizophrenic in America, . .
. any more than
there could've been such a person as, say, an obsessive compulsive Medieval
monk, or an obsessive compulsive Kabbalist, . . . or a histrionic
Bacchante .