Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001
Subject: Re: innovative language magazines
The on-line Transcendental Friend has a strong conscious editorial
point-of-view, I believe (one so rigorous that some of their poets have
suspected to be forgeries drafted to espouse house style).
Although with a wider net to its inclusiveness (apparently feeling
a regional
mandate?), Skanky Possum might be worth singling out too--- because
it may
represent the (sometimes more discursive) camps of innovation in
opposition to second generation Language.
(I blush to admit how behind-the-times I am, but---) As I recognize
only Osman and [Brian?] Kim Stefans out of your
list,--- I do not understand what the terminology distinction of "process/documentation"
or "text oriented/radically performative" signifies as a theoretical
Could you please paraphrase?
(Doesn't an Osman-vs-Stefans distinction outline the validity of the
loose term
"post-Language" vs. a continuity of pure Roof? Modelled on
those two examples only, it might be reenacting a prior forking of the
family tree, from New York School down a generation into Language vs.
Poetry Project/East Village. The former are Oedipal break-aways; the
latter, experimental traditionalists.)
("Performativity," since its original "How to Do Things
with Words" coinage, is
now circulated very loosely, and differently in different circles [Judith
Butler's queer theory "performativity", the "performativity"
now spoken of in
theater and the -qua-performing arts] . . . in a way almost inviting
a William
Saffire-type etymology of its meaning-drain.)